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The Butler

Albino Monk!!!! What happens next... ????? Already too much suspense for a Children's novel i fear.

Charles Wroth

I W L: Stephen King. Is that good? I think I'll take it!

Lev Parikian

It is, of course, to be noted that they say write like, not as well as...
I was nonetheless mildly chuffed that two of my cricketing short stories got the highest acclaim possible you write like P.G.Wodehouse.
May well print and frame.


Finn Ros

Oscar Wilde apparently! Haha, not sure about that...


Only just got around to this - J D Salinger, very funny!

Jane Angell

I Write Like... H P Lovecraft - of whom, in my ignorance, I had not heard. He is "probably best known as a writer of weird fiction" according to the know-it-all-net. Considering the paragraph I input was the concluding one of a paper I am giving soon at an academic conference, this is interesting...

Enjoyable post, as ever Lev, thank you.

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