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Rhiannon Paine

So true! Vexing to the reader, unfair to the writer. And yet ... I know one book I can spoil as soon as it's published, because the author has inadvertently put himself in my power. You can stop this happening by depositing $100,000 in my Twitter account before sundown (Pacific Standard Time). MWAHAHA!

Lev Parikian

What, so you want me to give you a whole 20% of my advance?

Charley the Gringo

Maddening. And so prevalent that I've taken to AVOIDING the back page. Careful though! Sometimes they put MORE spoiling blurbs in the FRONT of the book too... I reckon they get a bullying psychopathic kind of pleasure out of these Malayan man-traps.

Lev Parikian

Eh, Gringo. Good to hear from you. Haven't encountered the spoiling front blurb, but maybe that's because they usually devote themselves to useless quotes from irrelevant people ("a thrilling read!" Ed Miliband) so I ignore them.

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