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That opening paragraph is even longer than one of my sentences - I'm impressed!

Lev Parikian

Ill make up for it in the sentence after this one. Thanks.


Nice one cuz. that's Australian for cousin. (We like to shorten things in oz, especially test matches). I stopped reading after the cricket rant, but only so I could save up my energy for tonights contest in the city of churches. Will continue reading tomorrow. Best of luck to the england/south african composit team that only took one second innings wicket last week. Your Aussie cousin, mark

Lev Parikian

Thanks Mark. The 'rant' was actually (in a sideways kind of you) quite complimentary about you specifically, but it was buried in a long sentence, so maybe you fell asleep in the middle.
Hint: if you like keeping things short, perhaps allowing the opposition to score 517-1 isn't the best way to go about it...
(I have now scuppered England's chances in the rest of the series with that hubristic attack - sorry everyone).


I'm pretty sure that collingwood's talk of a dynasty was hubris, but not your hubristic attack. That was just (a little) misguided, like a Mitch Johnson ball. Look forward to tweeting at ya, over the next few days.


I'd have liked to have seen you in that sartorially challenging flying jacket. They look a bit chilly around the gluteals though.

The Flame haired temptress

Jolly nice he looks in it too. It's my turn to find something toasty. I don't think it will be from
Blacks somehow!

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